The Athlete's Agenda

Hi! This blog project is about what a teenage athlete should do to get in the best possible shape for their sport. As you will know from the reading below, a balance between activity and eating right is necessary in order to achieve ultimate greatness. Hope you will learn some things that may help you in the future!

- Michael Zimmerman, Kenny Yamashita, Tod Nakahira

Friday, May 7, 2010

#6: 3-day plan

Now that we have learned the importance of eating healthy, we can now begin to understand all the benefits to be made. Along with the physical boost of energy, we are academically stronger, and emotionally more positive and focused. Since we have already learned the importance of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins (see above), we may now begin to put together our own diet plan. One popular practice used by world-renowned athletes is "carbo loading". It is the process of which athletes typically use two steps to maximize their energy storage for better endurance, and delayed fatigue.

Step one:

The first step to successfully carbo-loading is to first deplete your body of all old carbs. It is suggested that one week before the event, you decrease your carb intake to about 50% of your total calorie intake. To compensate for the carbs, an increase in fats and proteins is suggested. Also by continuously training for the event your current carbs being stored are slowly depleted, making room for the new load of carbs.

Step two:

Three days before the event you should have now depleted your old carbs, so increase your carb intake to about 70% of your calorie intake. To compensate for the carbohydrate-rich food, eat less fatty foods. Also for maximum effectiveness cut back on the length and intensity of your training so that you do not deplete your current glycogen (carbohydrate) stores.

Foods high in carbohydrates
Grain products (preferably whole grain)
Dairy Products
Legumes (bean and peas)
Here is an example diet you may want to use on the three days leading up to the event in which you will perform in.

Day 1

Break fast
Whole grain cereal with milk (fat free)
One cup of orange juice


Roasted chicken breast (without skin)
Steamed vegetables (peas and carrots)
Brown rice

Baked Salmon
Brown rice
Steamed Broccoli
Milk (fat free)

Day 2

Whole grain oatmeal
Grape juice (unsweetened)

Turkey sandwich (whole grain bread)
- Lettuce
- Tomatoes
Hard-boiled eggs
V8 juice

Mariana pasta with grilled chicken strips
Steamed vegetables

Day 3

Cinnamon raisin bagel
Yogurt (fat free)

Roasted chicken breast sandwich (whole wheat bread)

Pesto pasta with baked chicken breast


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