The Athlete's Agenda

Hi! This blog project is about what a teenage athlete should do to get in the best possible shape for their sport. As you will know from the reading below, a balance between activity and eating right is necessary in order to achieve ultimate greatness. Hope you will learn some things that may help you in the future!

- Michael Zimmerman, Kenny Yamashita, Tod Nakahira

Friday, May 7, 2010

#1: Why should I eat healthy?

In the year 2009, studies showed that 63.1% of adults in the U.S. were either obese or over weight. So what right? Why should I eat healthy? I am happy with the my diet of junky foods and will continue to ignore scientific studies until my life is actually put into real danger.

Although these statements seem irresponsible, millions of people around the world continue to fill their bodies with unhealthy foods. Studies have proven that healthy diets benefit our emotional feelings, academics, and even our athletic performances. In today's world of highly competitive sports, people use every advantage necessary to gain an edge on the competition. In some scenarios it has become so serious people are illegally enhancing their bodies ability to perform, all for the sake of winning.

Why resort to such extremes when one easy advantage can come from simply eating better and healthier? By possibly just changing your diet around a little bit, and including some foods and excluding others you will not only be able to excel farther in athletics, but also your body will feel better.


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